A presentation by:
Adam Odorisio, Master of Science in Environmental Engineering student & Diane McKnight, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor and Director of Center for Water, Earth, Science and Technology, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, College of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Colorado Boulder
During the summer of 2024, with the support of many outside agencies, graduate students at the University of Colorado Boulder conducted a comprehensive study of Lincoln Creek to evaluate the presence of rare earth elements and trace metals and assess their implications for the creek's ecological health. In case you are wondering what rare earth elements are – we use them throughout the day, every day. For example, anytime you use a cell phone, there are rare earth elements that are instrumental in making it work. Are some of those elements in Lincoln Creek? Adam and Dr. McKnight will provide some of their initial findings from last year’s sampling. They will also discuss the significance of rare earth elements and the potential ecological challenges facing this important water system.