(Formerly called the Fryingpan & Beyond River Cleanup.)
We're looking for volunteers to pick up trash along rivers throughout the Roaring Fork Watershed!
- Volunteers are needed to clean up trash along rivers throughout the Roaring Fork Watershed, during daylight hours only, April 25-29.
- Pre-registration is only REQUIRED for anyone wanting to pick up trash on Frying Pan Road and along the Roaring Fork River through Basalt. All other locations need not register but please skip down to "All volunteers are asked to" section.
- Fryingpan River/Frying Pan Road:
- Volunteers interested in cleaning up Frying Pan Road:
- Must be 6 years or older. Children 6-12 years old must be supervised by immediate family member at all times. (Eagle County Requirement)
- Register, as only so many people are assigned per mile.
- Register two or more people per river mile.
- Wear a bright colored vest (your own or one borrowed from RFC).
- Trash should be left along Frying Pan Road (only) and will be picked up by Eagle County by 2pm on Tuesday, April 29. Any trash collected after 2pm on Tuesday must be brought down to Basalt and thrown in the dumpster provided, which is located at Lake Christine State Wildlife Area.
- After registering, RFC will assign you a river mile on which to focus your cleanup efforts and instruct you on where to pick up trash bags and vests. RFC will communicate assignments and instructions with you via email several days before the cleanup.
- Volunteers interested in cleaning up Frying Pan Road:
- Roaring Fork River through Basalt:
- May be cleaned up by volunteers of all ages.
- Registration required.
- Via email, RFC will direct volunteers to specific locations that need trash pick-up and instruct you on where to pick up trash bags.
- Fryingpan River/Frying Pan Road:
- ALL volunteers are asked to:
- Respect private property. Do not trespass.
- Dress appropriately, including proper footwear.
- Provide your own gloves.
- Wear a bright colored (blaze orange or yellow preferred) shirt, jacket or vest if you will be travelling along a road.
- Trash bags will only be provided for those cleaning up Frying Pan Road and along the Roaring Fork River through the Town of Basalt.
- Take photos!
- Post your photos on your personal social media accounts. Tag #roaringforkconservancy and #odellbrewing
- Email photos to christina@roaringfork.org by 12pm on Tuesday, April 30 to be entered into a prize drawing!
- When to cleanup?
- Whatever time is convenient for you from April 25-29 - daylight hours only.
- Whatever time is convenient for you from April 25-29 - daylight hours only.