The Ruedi Water and Power Authority released the "Front Range Water Supply Planning Update" prepared by G. Moss Driscoll, Esq. This report provides a comprehensive overview of the plans and options available to front range communities for further diversions of water from the Roaring Fork watershed. This document will be a valuable addendum to the Roaring Fork Watershed Plan and an essential reference for both local and regional water managers.
The Report covers the following broad topics:
- Plans for increased front range storage capacity.
- Potential additional development of, and diversion through, Fryingpan-Arkansas Project.
- Potential increases in diversions by City of Aurora through Busk-Ivanhoe System at headwaters of Fryingpan River.
- Potential additional diversions through Independence Pass system by Twin Lakes Company and others.
- Short-term and long-term options and recommendations for local water managers and decision makers to assure that further diversions are minimized and their impacts mitigated.