Citizens and Angling Guides of the Fryingpan Valley approached Roaring Fork Conservancy (RFC) staff with concerns about low winter flows, formation of anchor ice, decreased American Dipper and macroinvertebrate populations and, in turn, the potential impacts on the river resource. Flows during the winter of 2012-13 were maintained at a meager 40cfs for over a three month period. Interested citizens along with RFC staff attended the annual Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) meeting to voice these concerns. From these encounters, a scientific study was created to evaluate current conditions on the Lower Fryingpan River.
In addition, an update of the 2002 Fryingpan Valley Economic Study was re-envisioned to aid in understanding how the fishery continues to impact the vitality of the Town of Basalt and the Roaring Fork Valley. A report from that 2014 study is now available and can be read here.