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Podcast River Center Tour
Head on over to The River Center for an audio tour with executive director, Rick Lofaro.
Head on over to The River Center for an audio tour with executive director, Rick Lofaro.
2019 Roaring Fork Watershed Plan Update - Executive Summary
Purpose: To plan for and work toward an environmentally and economically healthy watershed that benefits all who have a stake in it.
Purpose: To plan for and work toward an environmentally and economically healthy watershed that benefits all who have a stake in it.
2017 Fall RFC Newsletter
There's Gold In That River!, "It's a River, Not a Screaming Utensil!", Checking the Pulse on the Riparian Zone, Moving the Crystal River Management Plan from Paper to Project, Intern Reflection: Stepping Into the Current, Highlights from River Rendezvous, Summer Reflections on My Home Watershed, Managing for the Environment in the Upper Roaring Fork River
There's Gold In That River!, "It's a River, Not a Screaming Utensil!", Checking the Pulse on the Riparian Zone, Moving the Crystal River Management Plan from Paper to Project, Intern Reflection: Stepping Into the Current, Highlights from River Rendezvous, Summer Reflections on My Home Watershed, Managing for the Environment in the Upper Roaring Fork River
2017 Spring RFC Newsletter
Year of the Dipper, River Protectors: Middle Schoolers Explore River-Related Careers, Dee Dee the Fryingpan River Dipper: RFC's First Children's Book, Saving Water in Aspen by Using Less on Landscaping, Peppy and Wally Dallenbach Honored as 2017 River Conservators
Year of the Dipper, River Protectors: Middle Schoolers Explore River-Related Careers, Dee Dee the Fryingpan River Dipper: RFC's First Children's Book, Saving Water in Aspen by Using Less on Landscaping, Peppy and Wally Dallenbach Honored as 2017 River Conservators
2016 Fall RFC Newsletter
Casting into the Future; Study Updates on: Crystal River Management Plan, Fryingpan River, Cattle Creek; The Significance of a Little Gray Bird: The American Dipper; Outside of Academia: Intern reflection; Conservation Easement Profile: Silver Lining Ranch, Aspen; Ways to Support RFC Over the Holidays: Amazon Smile, Colorado GIves Day: December 6, Gifting Your Birthday or Holiday to RFC; River Stewards Update; RFC Sponsors Roaring Fork Leadership Project: Think Outside the Banks; Adventures in W
Casting into the Future; Study Updates on: Crystal River Management Plan, Fryingpan River, Cattle Creek; The Significance of a Little Gray Bird: The American Dipper; Outside of Academia: Intern reflection; Conservation Easement Profile: Silver Lining Ranch, Aspen; Ways to Support RFC Over the Holidays: Amazon Smile, Colorado GIves Day: December 6, Gifting Your Birthday or Holiday to RFC; River Stewards Update; RFC Sponsors Roaring Fork Leadership Project: Think Outside the Banks; Adventures in W
South Fork of Dutch Creek Pilot Project Report
Fifty years of large-scale coal mining activities occurred in Coal Basin, a western Colorado watershed characterized by naturally steep, unstable and highly erodible slopes. Today, erosion from the prior resource extraction and the landscape alteration caused by these activities, as well as sedimentation from naturally-occurring soil erosion and mass movements are degrading water quality and stream habitat in Coal Basin and contributing to sedimentation issues downstream in the Crystal River...
Fifty years of large-scale coal mining activities occurred in Coal Basin, a western Colorado watershed characterized by naturally steep, unstable and highly erodible slopes. Today, erosion from the prior resource extraction and the landscape alteration caused by these activities, as well as sedimentation from naturally-occurring soil erosion and mass movements are degrading water quality and stream habitat in Coal Basin and contributing to sedimentation issues downstream in the Crystal River...
2016 Voters Guide to Water Issues
Roaring Fork Conservancy does not endorse any of the candidates. Their un-edited responses are presented as submitted.
Roaring Fork Conservancy does not endorse any of the candidates. Their un-edited responses are presented as submitted.
2016 Summer RFC Newsletter
20th Anniversary Edition: Crystal River Management Plan, River Stewards History, 20 Years of Bringing People Together Photo Collage
20th Anniversary Edition: Crystal River Management Plan, River Stewards History, 20 Years of Bringing People Together Photo Collage
2016 Crystal River Management Plan
Changing demographics and local economies place increasing value on the Crystal River’s aesthetic, environmental and recreational attributes. At the same time, the community retains important cultural ties to a strong heritage of agricultural production. Residents in the Town of Carbondale enjoy large shade trees, verdant gardens, and green parks and open spaces supported by a free raw-water supply sourced from the River. Agricultural producers, in turn, depend on use of the Crystal River to sup
Changing demographics and local economies place increasing value on the Crystal River’s aesthetic, environmental and recreational attributes. At the same time, the community retains important cultural ties to a strong heritage of agricultural production. Residents in the Town of Carbondale enjoy large shade trees, verdant gardens, and green parks and open spaces supported by a free raw-water supply sourced from the River. Agricultural producers, in turn, depend on use of the Crystal River to sup
RFC STANDARD WAIVER: Land-based Programs
2015 Didymo Survey - Second Annual Report
2015 Winter RFC Newsletter
Thinking Outside the Banks: The Importance of Riparian Vegetation, The Solution to Pollution: Use a Park to Clean the River, Fishing with the Future, Reconstructing a Stream, North Star Preserve Bank Stabilization Project, Burry Ranch Conservation Easement
Thinking Outside the Banks: The Importance of Riparian Vegetation, The Solution to Pollution: Use a Park to Clean the River, Fishing with the Future, Reconstructing a Stream, North Star Preserve Bank Stabilization Project, Burry Ranch Conservation Easement
2015 Spring/Summer RFC Newsletter
The Value of Local Knowledge, Didymo Research: Uncovering the Mysteries of Rock Snot, Colorado River Watch Program - Did You Know?, Profile: Emma Open Space Conservation Easement, Watershed Action Study Updates, 2015 Robert Billingsley RIver Conservators: Joyce & Bill Gruenberg, Afterschool Exploring on Enrichment Wednesday, Thank you Fryingpan Cleanup Sponsors & Volunteers, Eco-Products Showcases RFC in Sustainability Report
The Value of Local Knowledge, Didymo Research: Uncovering the Mysteries of Rock Snot, Colorado River Watch Program - Did You Know?, Profile: Emma Open Space Conservation Easement, Watershed Action Study Updates, 2015 Robert Billingsley RIver Conservators: Joyce & Bill Gruenberg, Afterschool Exploring on Enrichment Wednesday, Thank you Fryingpan Cleanup Sponsors & Volunteers, Eco-Products Showcases RFC in Sustainability Report
Crystal River Project Newsletter - February 2015
Crystal River Stream Management Plant Project Newsletter - February 2015
Crystal River Stream Management Plant Project Newsletter - February 2015
2014 Winter/Spring RFC Newsletter
Local Concerns spawn study of Fryingpan, Pondering Drakes..., Restoration work progresses on Crystal River & Coal Basin, 2012 Macroinvertebrate Study yields fairly healthy results, Keeping an eye on Fryingpan's "Rock Snot," RFC helps Garfield County & other protect riparian zone, Profile: Park East Conservation Easement, Hot Spots for Trout citizens monitor river temperatures for 2nd year, Captain Cutthroat hooks the public on water conservation, Building partnerships for regional water conserva
Local Concerns spawn study of Fryingpan, Pondering Drakes..., Restoration work progresses on Crystal River & Coal Basin, 2012 Macroinvertebrate Study yields fairly healthy results, Keeping an eye on Fryingpan's "Rock Snot," RFC helps Garfield County & other protect riparian zone, Profile: Park East Conservation Easement, Hot Spots for Trout citizens monitor river temperatures for 2nd year, Captain Cutthroat hooks the public on water conservation, Building partnerships for regional water conserva
Crystal River Conversation: Trout Unlimited Presentation (December 2014)
Trout Unlimited Power Point presentation on Outstanding Waters of Thompson Divide
Trout Unlimited Power Point presentation on Outstanding Waters of Thompson Divide
Crystal River Conversation: Rubicon (November 2014)
Rubicon Water shares information about smart headgate technologies
Rubicon Water shares information about smart headgate technologies
2015 Fall/Winter RFC Newsletter
RFC Data Provides New Protections in the Thompson Divide, Didymo on the Fryingpan, Crystal River Management Plan, Roaring Fork Beer Company Launches 1% for the Fork Program, Fly Fishing in the Classrooms, Teacher Professional Development
RFC Data Provides New Protections in the Thompson Divide, Didymo on the Fryingpan, Crystal River Management Plan, Roaring Fork Beer Company Launches 1% for the Fork Program, Fly Fishing in the Classrooms, Teacher Professional Development
Crystal River Stream Management Plan 2014 Accomplishments
Updates and accomplishments of the Crystal River Stream Management Plan as of fall 2014.
Updates and accomplishments of the Crystal River Stream Management Plan as of fall 2014.
Lower Fryingpan River Benthic Macroinvertebrate Study - October 2013 and April 2014
Benthic macroinvertebrate communities serve as indicators of stream and ecosystem function. Previous work completed on the Fryingpan River by Miller Ecological Consultants, Inc was used to determine the stream conditions in 2001 through 2003. In those previous studies, a fall and spring sampling regimen was used to determine changes due to winter flow conditions. This study used the same fall and spring sampling period and two of same locations to update the current condition of the macroinvertebrate community in the Fryingpan River in three locations.
Benthic macroinvertebrate communities serve as indicators of stream and ecosystem function. Previous work completed on the Fryingpan River by Miller Ecological Consultants, Inc was used to determine the stream conditions in 2001 through 2003. In those previous studies, a fall and spring sampling regimen was used to determine changes due to winter flow conditions. This study used the same fall and spring sampling period and two of same locations to update the current condition of the macroinvertebrate community in the Fryingpan River in three locations.
Creating a Road Map for Crystal River Recovery (July 2014)
In 2013, Roaring Fork Conservancy and Public Counsel of the Rockies, working with Lotic Hydrological, LLC, met with local water users and water rights holders throughout the watershed to listen to their concerns and solicit their ideas on ways to enhance riparian and instream conditions in and along the Crystal River. The plan we are proposing for Creating a Road Map for Crystal River Recovery has been developed on the basis of that input.
In 2013, Roaring Fork Conservancy and Public Counsel of the Rockies, working with Lotic Hydrological, LLC, met with local water users and water rights holders throughout the watershed to listen to their concerns and solicit their ideas on ways to enhance riparian and instream conditions in and along the Crystal River. The plan we are proposing for Creating a Road Map for Crystal River Recovery has been developed on the basis of that input.
2013 Thompson Divide Supplemental Water Quality Study
This report describes the second phase (2013) of a study to define baseline water quality and flow conditions for both surface waters and springs, collected prior to the onset of any significant oil and gas development in portions of Pitkin and Garfield counties. Sampling efforts focused on the Fourmile Creek and Thompson Creek Watersheds. The first phase of this study was titled Thompson Divide Baseline Water Quality Report (Moran R., 2011).
This report describes the second phase (2013) of a study to define baseline water quality and flow conditions for both surface waters and springs, collected prior to the onset of any significant oil and gas development in portions of Pitkin and Garfield counties. Sampling efforts focused on the Fourmile Creek and Thompson Creek Watersheds. The first phase of this study was titled Thompson Divide Baseline Water Quality Report (Moran R., 2011).
2014 Summer RFC Newsletter
SPECIAL EDITION ON THE COLORADO WATER PLAN: Moving Forward With A Plan; Water Lays a Sturdy Foundation; Get Informed, Get Involved; Effect of Water Shortages and Colorado Water Plan on Agriculture in the Roaring Fork Valley; Considerations for the Colorado State Water Plan; Colorado Basin Roundtable Vision Statement
SPECIAL EDITION ON THE COLORADO WATER PLAN: Moving Forward With A Plan; Water Lays a Sturdy Foundation; Get Informed, Get Involved; Effect of Water Shortages and Colorado Water Plan on Agriculture in the Roaring Fork Valley; Considerations for the Colorado State Water Plan; Colorado Basin Roundtable Vision Statement
Survey of American Dipper (Cinclus mexicanus) Distribution, Abundance and Reproductive Success as a Baseline Indicator of Stream and Riparian Health on the Fryingpan River, Basalt, Colorado.
Changes to stream or riparian habitat that alter the physical structure or biological characteristics of Dipper habitat will impact population characteristics and ultimately survivability. Knowledge of the current distribution and abundance of the American Dipper on the Fryingpan River provides a good baseline indicator of stream health.
Changes to stream or riparian habitat that alter the physical structure or biological characteristics of Dipper habitat will impact population characteristics and ultimately survivability. Knowledge of the current distribution and abundance of the American Dipper on the Fryingpan River provides a good baseline indicator of stream health.
2014 Brush Creek Stream Health Survey
The Brush Creek Stream Health Survey (SHS) provides a synopsis of current information regarding stream conditions on Brush Creek and recommends future actions to improve or protect water quality. This study presents an analysis of existing water chemistry and macroinvertebrate data collected between 2002 and 2013. The work also includes recommended actions for mitigation, remediation, and future water quality monitoring.
The Brush Creek Stream Health Survey (SHS) provides a synopsis of current information regarding stream conditions on Brush Creek and recommends future actions to improve or protect water quality. This study presents an analysis of existing water chemistry and macroinvertebrate data collected between 2002 and 2013. The work also includes recommended actions for mitigation, remediation, and future water quality monitoring.
South Fork of Dutch Creek Pilot Project Report
The South Fork of Dutch Creek in Coal Basin is a good example of an impacted stream - the channel has a high width to depth ratio, lacks riparian vegetation, and excessive fines clog the channel. The 10-acre South Fork of Dutch Creek Pilot project was designed as a reclamation project for this severely-impacted area. The pilot project was also designed to study the costs and benefits of several different restoration techniques in order to determine the most favorable methods to be utilized in the planned landscape-scale restoration of Coal Basin.
The South Fork of Dutch Creek in Coal Basin is a good example of an impacted stream - the channel has a high width to depth ratio, lacks riparian vegetation, and excessive fines clog the channel. The 10-acre South Fork of Dutch Creek Pilot project was designed as a reclamation project for this severely-impacted area. The pilot project was also designed to study the costs and benefits of several different restoration techniques in order to determine the most favorable methods to be utilized in the planned landscape-scale restoration of Coal Basin.
2013 Erosion, Sediment Sources, and Channel Analysis in the Crystal River Watershed, Colorado
RFC commissioned an analysis of erosion sources in the Crystal River watershed (938 km2/ 362 miles2) with a focus on sediment sources in Coal Creek Basin (69 km2/ 26.6 miles2) to support the need for focused resource evaluations as part of the Crystal River Management Plan process.
RFC commissioned an analysis of erosion sources in the Crystal River watershed (938 km2/ 362 miles2) with a focus on sediment sources in Coal Creek Basin (69 km2/ 26.6 miles2) to support the need for focused resource evaluations as part of the Crystal River Management Plan process.
2013 Summer RFC Newsletter
Watershed Education Changes Our Relationship With Water; River Watch Educates and Motivates Citizen Scientists; The Vicious Cycle of Drought; Crystal River & Coal Basin Priorities for Action in 2013; 2013 Robert Billingsley River Conservator Award Recipient: Dorothea Farris; River Stewards Engage Young Adults; University of Michigan Students Assist with Water Conservation Planning
Watershed Education Changes Our Relationship With Water; River Watch Educates and Motivates Citizen Scientists; The Vicious Cycle of Drought; Crystal River & Coal Basin Priorities for Action in 2013; 2013 Robert Billingsley River Conservator Award Recipient: Dorothea Farris; River Stewards Engage Young Adults; University of Michigan Students Assist with Water Conservation Planning
Comprehensive Lower Fryingpan River Assessment 2013-2015
Given current concerns over the health of the Fryingpan River and fishery, Roaring Fork Conservancy is pursuing a comprehensive study to better understand the current state of the Fryingpan, and create a long-term monitoring plan to track trends over time.
Given current concerns over the health of the Fryingpan River and fishery, Roaring Fork Conservancy is pursuing a comprehensive study to better understand the current state of the Fryingpan, and create a long-term monitoring plan to track trends over time.
Coal Basin Update as of January 2013
A power point presentation of the Coal Basin and Crystal River Confluence Area Project by Sharon Clarke.
A power point presentation of the Coal Basin and Crystal River Confluence Area Project by Sharon Clarke.
2012 Brush Creek Focused Water Quality Assessment
Snowmass area stakeholders maintain an interest in understanding the effects of land use and active water resource management on water quality and the biological integrity of aquatic and riparian communities in the rush Creek drainage. Decision-makers and conservation groups require clarification of these critical relationships in order to guide future resource management actions.
Snowmass area stakeholders maintain an interest in understanding the effects of land use and active water resource management on water quality and the biological integrity of aquatic and riparian communities in the rush Creek drainage. Decision-makers and conservation groups require clarification of these critical relationships in order to guide future resource management actions.
Snapshot Assessment of the Roaring Fork Watershed
A Synoptic Approach to Characterizing Low Flow Conditions on the Crystal and Roaring Fork Rivers in the Autumn of 2012.
A Synoptic Approach to Characterizing Low Flow Conditions on the Crystal and Roaring Fork Rivers in the Autumn of 2012.
A Review of Aquatic Life and Stream Health in the Roaring Fork Watershed
In the fall of 2011, the Roaring Fork Conservancy teamed up with the Water Quality Control Division of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to select and sample twenty sites in the Roaring Fork Watershed, collecting macroinvertebrates to assess overall stream health in the Roaring Fork Valley. RFC worked with Timberline Aquatics, Inc. to analyze these data and produce this report.
In the fall of 2011, the Roaring Fork Conservancy teamed up with the Water Quality Control Division of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to select and sample twenty sites in the Roaring Fork Watershed, collecting macroinvertebrates to assess overall stream health in the Roaring Fork Valley. RFC worked with Timberline Aquatics, Inc. to analyze these data and produce this report.
2012 Crystal River and Coal Basin Aquatic Life Use Assessment
In September of 2012, Roaring Fork Conservancy (RFC), in partnership with the Aspen-Sopris Ranger District of the White River National Forest (WRNF), initiated benthic macroinvertebrate sampling at five locations on the Crystal River and six locations in Coal Basin.
In September of 2012, Roaring Fork Conservancy (RFC), in partnership with the Aspen-Sopris Ranger District of the White River National Forest (WRNF), initiated benthic macroinvertebrate sampling at five locations on the Crystal River and six locations in Coal Basin.
Opportunities for Water Conservation
The research and recommendations presented in this report arose from the desire among local interests in the Roaring Fork Watershed to understand how water conservation efforts could be used to improve local streamflows. The report – completed by Roaring Fork Conservancy with funding from Garfield County and the Pitkin County Healthy Rivers and Streams Fund – has its origins in a commonly heard local question: “Why hasn’t Roaring Fork Conservancy engaged in a water conservation campaign to impro
The research and recommendations presented in this report arose from the desire among local interests in the Roaring Fork Watershed to understand how water conservation efforts could be used to improve local streamflows. The report – completed by Roaring Fork Conservancy with funding from Garfield County and the Pitkin County Healthy Rivers and Streams Fund – has its origins in a commonly heard local question: “Why hasn’t Roaring Fork Conservancy engaged in a water conservation campaign to impro
Roaring Fork Watershed Plan
Roaring Fork Watershed Plan Purpose: To plan for and work toward an environmentally and economically healthy watershed that benefits all who have a stake in it.
Roaring Fork Watershed Plan Purpose: To plan for and work toward an environmentally and economically healthy watershed that benefits all who have a stake in it.
Roaring Fork Watershed Plan logo - "Eddy" is his name
Roaring Fork Watershed Plan logo - "Eddy" is his name
Roaring Fork Watershed Plan logo - "Eddy" is his name
March 2011 Thompson Divide Baseline Water Quality Report
This report provides and describes an initial database of representative water quality and flow data for both surface and ground waters, collected prior to the onset of any significant oil and gas development in portions of Pitkin and Garfield counties. Sampling efforts focused on the Fourmile Creek and Thompson Creek Watersheds.
This report provides and describes an initial database of representative water quality and flow data for both surface and ground waters, collected prior to the onset of any significant oil and gas development in portions of Pitkin and Garfield counties. Sampling efforts focused on the Fourmile Creek and Thompson Creek Watersheds.
Crystal Wild and Scenic Eligible Segments
Map showing eligible Wild & Scenic sections of the Crystal River
Map showing eligible Wild & Scenic sections of the Crystal River
Front Range Water Supply Report 2011
The Ruedi Water and Power Authority released the "Front Range Water Supply Planning Update" prepared by G. Moss Driscoll. This report provides a comprehensive overview of the plans and options available to front range communities for further diversions of water from the Roaring Fork watershed. This document will be a valuable addendum to the Roaring Fork Watershed Plan and an essential reference for both local and regional water managers.
The Ruedi Water and Power Authority released the "Front Range Water Supply Planning Update" prepared by G. Moss Driscoll. This report provides a comprehensive overview of the plans and options available to front range communities for further diversions of water from the Roaring Fork watershed. This document will be a valuable addendum to the Roaring Fork Watershed Plan and an essential reference for both local and regional water managers.
February 2010 Thompson Divide Macroinvertebrate Report Executive Summary
The objective of this study was to document baseline conditions for macroinvertebrate communities and baseline metal burden in macroinvertebrate tissues and stream sediment. The sampling was conducted at Fourmile Creek, North Thompson Creek, Middle Thompson Creek and South Middle Thompson Creek.
The objective of this study was to document baseline conditions for macroinvertebrate communities and baseline metal burden in macroinvertebrate tissues and stream sediment. The sampling was conducted at Fourmile Creek, North Thompson Creek, Middle Thompson Creek and South Middle Thompson Creek.
Roaring Fork Watershed Plan: Phase II Guidance Documents
These are challenging times for local governments as they face declining tax revenues, budget cutbacks, aging infrastructure, and growing service demands. In the midst of these difficult circumstances, local governments are also suddenly responsible for long-term, statewide water management planning. At a time when the decisions being made with respect to Colorado’s scarce water resources really matter, local governments have a significant opportunity to protect the resources of the Roaring Fork
These are challenging times for local governments as they face declining tax revenues, budget cutbacks, aging infrastructure, and growing service demands. In the midst of these difficult circumstances, local governments are also suddenly responsible for long-term, statewide water management planning. At a time when the decisions being made with respect to Colorado’s scarce water resources really matter, local governments have a significant opportunity to protect the resources of the Roaring Fork
Coal Basin Restoration History
A power point presentation about Coal Basin History: Geology, Mining and Reclamation by Steve Renner.
A power point presentation about Coal Basin History: Geology, Mining and Reclamation by Steve Renner.
An Introduction to Coal Basin
A power point presentation providing an overview of Coal Basin, by Sharon Clarke.
A power point presentation providing an overview of Coal Basin, by Sharon Clarke.
2009 Thompson Divide Baseline Water Quality Study Overview
The Thompson Divide area stretches West and Southwest from Carbondale, Colorado. The area includes portions of Garfield, Gunnison, and Pitkin counties, and incorporates portions of the Thompson Creek, Fourmile Creek, Coal Creek, Garfield Creek, East Divide Creek, West Divide Creek, and Muddy Creek watersheds. Portions of the Thompson Divide area have been leased for oil and natural gas development but, to date, limited development has taken place on these leases. The primary goal of this Water Q
The Thompson Divide area stretches West and Southwest from Carbondale, Colorado. The area includes portions of Garfield, Gunnison, and Pitkin counties, and incorporates portions of the Thompson Creek, Fourmile Creek, Coal Creek, Garfield Creek, East Divide Creek, West Divide Creek, and Muddy Creek watersheds. Portions of the Thompson Divide area have been leased for oil and natural gas development but, to date, limited development has taken place on these leases. The primary goal of this Water Q
2008 State of the Roaring Fork Watershed Report
2008 State of the Roaring Fork Watershed Report, located in Colorado
2008 State of the Roaring Fork Watershed Report, located in Colorado
2008 State of the Watershed Report Executive Summary
2008 Exectuive Summary of the State of the Roaring Fork Watershed Report, located in Colorado
2008 Exectuive Summary of the State of the Roaring Fork Watershed Report, located in Colorado
2008 Seven Castles Sediment Inflow on Fryingpan River Report
In the summer of 2007 a rainstorm caused a large sediment inflow from Seven Castles Creek into the Fryingpan River and downstream into the Roaring Fork River. There were concerns expressed by the natural resource agencies and public regarding potential impacts to macroinvertebrates and fish habitat within the river. It was suggested that a flushing flow may be needed to remove the sediment and restore the function of the system. The objective of this study was to collect sediment distribution from freeze cores, quantify macroinvertebrates and qualitatively assess habitat to assist the agencies in determining whether a flushing flow was required prior to the natural high flow.
In the summer of 2007 a rainstorm caused a large sediment inflow from Seven Castles Creek into the Fryingpan River and downstream into the Roaring Fork River. There were concerns expressed by the natural resource agencies and public regarding potential impacts to macroinvertebrates and fish habitat within the river. It was suggested that a flushing flow may be needed to remove the sediment and restore the function of the system. The objective of this study was to collect sediment distribution from freeze cores, quantify macroinvertebrates and qualitatively assess habitat to assist the agencies in determining whether a flushing flow was required prior to the natural high flow.
Report on the Bureau of Reclamation’s May 2006 Ruedi Reservoir Release
RFC looked at maximum flows (one, three, and seven-day) and monthly (May and June) averages to determine how the 2006 flows compared to the historical record and modeled data.
RFC looked at maximum flows (one, three, and seven-day) and monthly (May and June) averages to determine how the 2006 flows compared to the historical record and modeled data.
2007 Brush Creek Water Quality Study
The overall purpose of the Brush Creek Study was threefold. The first goal was to establish an accurate baseline for Brush Creek. Baseline data will be helpful for comparing with data collected in the future as development and construction continue along the creek. The second was to determine the magnitude, duration, and location of high pH and phosphorus levels found in Brush Creek. (There were 11 pH tests above the state limit of 9.0 over three years, and 60% of phosphorous samples exceeded recommended levels.) The third and final goal of the study was to provide a better understanding of appropriate management of open space parcels with regard to riparian habitat.
The overall purpose of the Brush Creek Study was threefold. The first goal was to establish an accurate baseline for Brush Creek. Baseline data will be helpful for comparing with data collected in the future as development and construction continue along the creek. The second was to determine the magnitude, duration, and location of high pH and phosphorus levels found in Brush Creek. (There were 11 pH tests above the state limit of 9.0 over three years, and 60% of phosphorous samples exceeded recommended levels.) The third and final goal of the study was to provide a better understanding of appropriate management of open space parcels with regard to riparian habitat.
2006 Roaring Fork Watershed Water Quality Report
In 1997, the Roaring Fork Conservancy began a monitoring program to determine water quality conditions and trends throughout the watershed.
In 1997, the Roaring Fork Conservancy began a monitoring program to determine water quality conditions and trends throughout the watershed.
Summary Report: A Study of Macroinvertebrate Community Resonse to Winter Flows on the Fryingpan River - August 11, 2004
The biological and physical processes that govern the structure and function of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in the Fryingpan River are not entirely understood. However, there is evidence to suggest that the flow regime may be an important physical influence on benthic communities (Rees et al. 2003). For this reason, macroinvertebrate sampling and thermal modeling continued during the fall 2003 and spring 2004 in the Fryingpan River as part of a study to assess the influence of releases from Ruedi Reservoir.
The biological and physical processes that govern the structure and function of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in the Fryingpan River are not entirely understood. However, there is evidence to suggest that the flow regime may be an important physical influence on benthic communities (Rees et al. 2003). For this reason, macroinvertebrate sampling and thermal modeling continued during the fall 2003 and spring 2004 in the Fryingpan River as part of a study to assess the influence of releases from Ruedi Reservoir.
Fryingpan/Roaring Fork River Supplemental Macroinvertebrate Report - September 24, 2003
The mechanisms that govern the structure and function of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in the Fryingpan River are not entirely understood. For this reason, sampling continued during the Fall 2002 and Spring 2003 as a supplement to the study that occurred during the previous seasons (Ptacek et al. 2003).
The mechanisms that govern the structure and function of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in the Fryingpan River are not entirely understood. For this reason, sampling continued during the Fall 2002 and Spring 2003 as a supplement to the study that occurred during the previous seasons (Ptacek et al. 2003).
Fryingpan/Roaring Fork River Fisheries Study Final Report - June 30, 2003
This study was conducted on the Fryingpan and Roaring Fork rivers to characterize the physical habitat and aquatic biota related to the operation of Ruedi Reservoir.
This study was conducted on the Fryingpan and Roaring Fork rivers to characterize the physical habitat and aquatic biota related to the operation of Ruedi Reservoir.
Fryingpan/Roaring Fork River Literature Review - February 27, 2002
This literature review was conducted as the first part of the Fryingpan Roaring Fork Fisheries Study for the Roaring Fork Conservancy. The literature review consisted of compiling data, reports and information on instream flows, fish populations and other factors related to the aquatic ecosystem for the Fryingpan and Roaring Fork rivers.
This literature review was conducted as the first part of the Fryingpan Roaring Fork Fisheries Study for the Roaring Fork Conservancy. The literature review consisted of compiling data, reports and information on instream flows, fish populations and other factors related to the aquatic ecosystem for the Fryingpan and Roaring Fork rivers.
Roaring Fork Watershed Year 2000 State of the River Report
The State of the River Report is a comprehensive presentation of water quality data collected by the Roaring Fork Conservancy’s water quality monitoring program for the year 2000. The data is displayed in both temporal and spatial formats, and is available to local governments, land management agencies, interested community members, and other groups. The information can be used for decision-making processes related to our rivers’ water quality as well as to increase knowledge and awareness about
The State of the River Report is a comprehensive presentation of water quality data collected by the Roaring Fork Conservancy’s water quality monitoring program for the year 2000. The data is displayed in both temporal and spatial formats, and is available to local governments, land management agencies, interested community members, and other groups. The information can be used for decision-making processes related to our rivers’ water quality as well as to increase knowledge and awareness about
2001 Stormwater Study - Basalt, Colorado
This report presents the results of a Watershed Improvement and Education Project for the Roaring Fork Valley in Eagle and Pitkin Counties, and the Town of Basalt, Colorado. This Report was prepared by Matrix Design Group, Inc. of Denver, Colorado at the request of the Roaring Fork Conservancy in cooperation with the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment’s Water Quality Control Commission.
This report presents the results of a Watershed Improvement and Education Project for the Roaring Fork Valley in Eagle and Pitkin Counties, and the Town of Basalt, Colorado. This Report was prepared by Matrix Design Group, Inc. of Denver, Colorado at the request of the Roaring Fork Conservancy in cooperation with the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment’s Water Quality Control Commission.